Demos > Wireless Marketing Demo
With wireless marketing, users can request unique product and service offers via their cell phones. By providing their phone number and service provider, they will receive an SMS message allowing them to call a special number for the offer. A voice prompt will guide them through the process, and indicate to them how they may redeem their special offer. Typically, this involves visiting a nearby store (indicated by the offer, and personalized for the user) and displaying the onscreen coupon to a store clerk. It can also alert the user to limited time offers that are available near the user.
Books - Here a visitor to a Publisher (Random House) or an online bookstore signs up to receive news about their favorite authors or book genre. An SMS message announcing a book publication or sale is sent and when the user returns the call, excerpts from the books are read. A voice activated IVR asks the customer if they wish to find a bookstore in their neighborhood that carries the book. Using VXML the publishers website is contacted and using a zip code the nearest store is found.
Click here to see the Random House demo.
Music Pre-Orders - after registering for alerts at a Music Label (BMG) or an online music website (Click2Music) an SMS messages is sent to announce the future release of a new album by the customers favorite artist. Excerpts from the song, or the whole song can be played in advance of the street date, building anticipation and a Buzz surrounding the album. As above music stores in their neighborhood can be found using voice XML technology.
Click here to see the C2M demo.
Special Promotion - After registering for alerts (Fitness Magazine) a customer receives an SMS message advertising a special tie-in offer to receive a minimassager with the purchase of a hair product. Again the customer is guided through an interactive phone call that eventually finds the store nearest to the customer for which the offer is valid.
Click here to see the Fitness demo.
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