Cross-Industry > Business Activity Monitoring

The Gartner Group defines BAM

"Business activity monitoring" (BAM) is Gartner's term defining how we can provide real-time access to critical business performance indicators to improve the speed and effectiveness of business operations. Unlike traditional real-time monitoring, BAM draws its information from multiple application systems and other internal and external (interenterprise) sources, enabling a broader and richer view of business activities. As such, BAM will be a natural extension of the investments that enterprises are making in application integration.

So far, BAM is a small part of the total application integration story. We estimate that, at most, 3 percent of integration broker revenue can be said to be BAM-related in 2002. Many integration vendors are without BAM strategies. This almost sounds like the business process management (BPM) story of late 1999 - calm before the storm. BPM rapidly went from obscurity to become a mainstay of application integration, driving mergers, acquisitions and new development in the process. BAM will do likewise. By 2004, BAM will grow to become the major force driving application integration's deployment and benefits. Vendors will depend on BAM for survival, and enterprises will tout BAM for its competitive advantage. BAM is the next big thing that application integration vendors want and need.


arvato systems and BAM - EIC the Executive Information Center

In its work with E-Commerce Clients arvato systems has been called upon to provide Operations and monitor the activity of these sites. To better facilitate this arvato systems developed a real-time business activity monitor call EIC.


Executive Information Center: Overview

Purpose: EIC acts as a Portal for all monitoring of Site activities and behavior, centralizing this activity and web enabling it not only for those who maintain the site but those who own the site.

Target: an important tool for:
  • Operations
  • Business Owners
Value: As most of it's data is captured in real-time, its multiple views of site performance as well as its notification functions provide:
  • A first line of defense for functional outages
  • Aid in the speedy analysis of problems
  • Quicker responses and solutions
  • Detailed Information about Business
Scope: Provides integrated monitoring support in following areas:
  • Internal Monitoring (with Client Production Data)
  • External Monitoring of Performance (with built-in or third-party tools)


Production Monitor - This is used to view Business statistics such as Orders Placed, Orders Completed, Applications Placed, Error counts by type, etc. Applets showing graphical representation of statistics generate snapshots of data captured from production databases. This information is available as soon and as often as it can be received from the host.

Production Reports - View business statistics for last week summarized by day. It can include any statistics that is being monitored; transactions, errors, etc

  • Report Scheduling - Schedule Report Frequency and email routing list
  • Threshold Alerts - Send email or beeper alerts when statistics fall a certain percentage below 6-week average for comparable times
  • Business Setup - Add a new site to monitor, setup new statistics to monitor, add users.
