Music > Portal Solution

Music Industry Portal Solution
Music Industry Portlets

Music Industry Portal Solution

The basic function of the music industry portal solution is to aggregate disparate data and content from the many different applications the music company employee or executive uses each day, and displaying this data and content via portlets on single portal pages. This enables internal staff, partners or customers to view all relevant data regarding an artist or product at once, rather than having to use multiple applications. This aggregated view, with its universal availability throughout the enterprise and beyond, has several great advantages.
  • The display of data in its native source or application is not as powerful alone as it is viewed in combination with other data.
  • Relationships can be built between portlet displays that allow for powerful analysis and understanding
  • The full power of individual applications can be enabled by "undocking" individual portlets in order to view that application or data source full-screen, and use the full functionality of the application.
  • The portal administrator can publish and repurpose content depending on the audience eliminating the need for multiple systems or websites.
  • The portal experience can be customized so that customers, partners and employees can see the data that is relevant to their particular geographical location, style of music, one favorite artist, job type, etc.

Music Industry Portlets

Our analysis suggests the following portlets to be included in the enterprise portal.

  • Search Console

    The Search Console is the basic navigational building block of the portal solution for all users. It will allow the user to change the search criteria portal-wide, across all active Portlets, or to specify individual Portlets for which search criteria should be applicable.

  • Catalog Database Portlet

    The catalog database provides access to all information about the company's music catalog; artists, products, tracks, labels, etc., similar to a listing in Amazon, CDNOW, etc.

  • Content Management Portlet

    This Portlet would allow for the viewing and publishing of editorial content related to an artist, product, or label.

  • Asset Management Interface Portlet

    This Portlet would function to ingest and store digital content (streaming tracks, artwork, etc.), as well as to associate this content with relevant catalog and other Portal content.

  • Retail Sales Portlet

    This Portlet displays reports for Retail Sales for the criteria specified in the user's search.

  • Sales Shipped System Portlet

    The Internal Sales Portlet would show units shipped to retail rather than units sold by retail to the consumer.

  • Industry News Portlet

    This Portlet, ideally combining disparate news feeds available to the Portal, could allow the user to customize his experience by allowing the selection of what news feeds and what types of news is desired.

  • Music Charts Portlet

    The Music Charts Portlet would display chart information either for the default setting or as specified by a search.

  • Tour Dates Portlet

    This Portlet contains information and data regarding Artist Tours.

  • Club/Venue Database Portlet

    This Portlet would be heavily integrated with the Tour information Portlet above, and would provide more detailed information about a particular venue for a tour.

  • Radio Airplay Portlet

    This Portlet would display the airplay information for tracks by artist, tracks by label, etc, depending on the search criteria specified.

  • Radio Station Database Lookup Portlet

    This Portlet would allow internal radio promotions staff to search for and sort radio stations.

  • Marketing Spend/General Accounting System Portlet

    This Portlet would allow internal staff to view how much has been spent on a marketing campaign for a particular artist, product, tour etc.

  • Marketing Services

    This Portlet would allow internal marketing staff (and depending on company policy, partners) to order marketing material to service to retail, radio, and other partners as needed.

  • Order Processing Portlet

    This Portlet is identical to the Marketing Services Portlet described above, except that it would be used by internal sales staff or retail partners to order product (cd's, cassettes, etc.).

  • Other Portlets

    The Portlets listed above are what could typically be used by various functions within the Music Industry. The premise behind the solution, however, is to integrate and possibly aggregate disparate types of data and functionality into a single interface. This being said, it could be possible to implement Portlets other than those listed depending on the needs of the Portal user community. Such examples of other standard applications that may warrant their own Portlets are:

    • General Accounting System
    • Financial Reporting System
    • Royalty/Copyright System
    • Manufacturing System
    • Warehouse Management System

    In addition, other basic office functionality could be integrated within a Portal Implementation, as Portlets either have already been created by 3rd Parties or could be created as needed for the implementation for the following applications:

    • E-mail, Calendar
    • Instant Messenger/Chat
    • Audio/Video Conferencing/Chat
    • File Sharing