Privacy Policy

Privacy Protection

arvato systems NA places a high priority on protecting personal data, such as names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. We do not use our website to collect any personal data whatsoever without your permission. You alone decide whether you wish to make this information available to us, for example, as part of registration procedures, surveys and the like. We generally use your personal data to answer your questions or respond to business inquiries. arvato systems NA will neither sell your personal data to third parties nor market it elsewhere.

Automatically recorded information (non-personal data)

When you access the arvato systems NA Web site, general non-personal information (internet browser used, number of visits, average time spent on site, pages viewed) is occasionally recorded automatically (not as part of registration). We use this information to gauge our website's effectiveness and to improve its content and functionality.


Minors should not transmit any personal data to the arvato systems NA website without the permission of their parents or guardians. arvato systems NA strongly advises all parents and guardians to teach their children safe and responsible handling of personal data on the internet. arvato systems NA will never knowingly collect personal data from minors or use it in any way or disclose it to third parties without permission.


The arvato systems NA takes measures to ensure the security of personal data. Your data will be protected conscientiously from loss, destruction, distortion/falsification, manipulation and unauthorized access or unauthorized disclosure.