Cross-Industry > Search EngineSearch Engine ImplementationYour customers need to find what they are looking for on your site. We want you to keep your customers searching for more, not just searching. Our in-depth experience searching vast stores of data, with a range of tools from the Oracle Intermedia search engine to the open-source Java engine Lucene, allow just that to happen.Whether your site is a multi-product-line E-Commerce Site, a Magazine Publishing Site with a large archive of back issues, an Intranet Portal with a document management component, the Search Engine is the best and often the only tool to quickly view what is most important to you, browse for hidden treasures, or collect all items on the site that meet certain criteria. It must be forgiving to those who cannot spell what they wish to find. It must present the most appropriate results as close to the top of the first page as possible. It must be able to search on several different criteria, allowing you to fashion a query that can include some terms, exclude other, make some required, etc. It also should not leave you feeling that the site does not have what you want, by subtly offering suggestions when exact matches are missing. arvato systems, North America has extensive experience fulfilling all of these wishes. Using Oracle's Intermedia search engine it developed a three level search, for This enabled a customer to instantly search through over 2,000,000 products, finding exact matches to their search criteria or if there were no exact matches the search reverted to "or" clauses, and if none of the words of the search criteria were found, it utilized a "fuzzy logic" to display a selection of product that well might satisfy the customer. Arvato Systems also worked with our strategic partner Empolis, when moved to the Intershop, to again provide a sophisticated search for the BOL customers. asNA, working in the area of publishing, brought their search knowledge to an implementation of a Website and an XML article repository search. A search can be made on content supplied in multiple formats, HTML, XML, PDF, etc. It displays results sorted by relevancy and has all of the Boolean functionality built in as well as stemming, fuzzy, proximity, etc. This was accomplished using the open source java search engine Lucene. asNA, using java, built upon Lucene's existing functionality to create a search engine with almost all of the sophistication of the one they built with Oracle for BOL. This engine now forms an integral part of much of asNA's offerings in the area of low cost e-commerce, document management, content management, Intranet Portal applications, etc. Top |